
Live & Studio

swiggle red

We specialise in providing high-quality live and studio services to our clients. Our team of experienced professionals are dedicated to delivering exceptional sound solutions to meet the unique needs of each project.

What we offer

swiggle red


If you have an empty room, equipment without a tech or require a full production, we can:

  • We can bring equipment to your event and operate the event
  • We can just operate if client’s equipment is supplied
  • We can show the client the basics of operating certain items

Price on enquiry


If you need to record audio but don’t have the equipment or you have audio recorded but need someone to help with the final steps - We offer:

  • Recording
  • Mixing
  • Mastering
  • Edits

Price on enquiry

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Not sure what you need? No worries, Get in contact and we will be in touch in no time!

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Live & Studio

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Fill out our form and we will get in contact with you as soon as possible. If not your not sure what you need please feel free to call at 0414 500 717