
Custom Cables

swiggle - green

We specialise in providing top-of-the-line audio solutions to meet your specific needs. We understand that every audio setup is unique, and that's why we offer custom cabling services to ensure that you get the exact cables you need to maximise your 
audio experience.

Cables - Vector 02
Cables - Vector 01
Cables - Squares - Red
Cables - Squares - Green

Custom Connectors

We specialise in providing top-of-the-line audio solutions to meet your specific needs. We understand that every audio setup is unique, and that's why we offer custom cabling services to ensure that you get the exact cables you need to maximise your audio experience.


custom cables
Cables - Line - Red

Not sure?

Not sure what you need? No worries, Get in contact and we will be in touch in no time!

Contact Form

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Cabling Form

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Fill out our form and we will get in contact with you as soon as possible. If not your not sure what you need please feel free to call at 0414 500 717
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